Your Home
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We believe beautiful interiors, curated with love and attention, are essential to quality living.
We create atmospheres where people feel comfort and a sense of home.
We give you valuable tips and support you in furnishing, equipping and decorating your home.
Whether you're in need of a personal shopper, seeking advice on styling your home or are ready to take on an entire project, we're here to assist you every step of the way.
Holiday Homes
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Attractive, stylish furnishings for a vacation home are often the decisive reason for booking and for attracting as many guests as possible. We can get creative with the furnishings and give your accommodation a personal touch.
If you already have your own interior design concept in mind but are not on site, we can take care of the local implementation.
Whether you're seeking guidance on styling or decorating or you are searching for more exclusive interior treasures - whatever your requirements may be, we're here to source it for you

Remodelling & Construcion
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We assist you in turning your vision into reality: if you're contemplating remodeling or reconstructing parts of your house, we can be your bridge to the right professionals.
You don't have time to take care of the renovation of your house? We can not only connect you with skilled workers but also take on the role of overseeing the entire process for you.
Over our nearly 10 years in Aljezur, we've cultivated a network spanning various fields. We're here to assist with communication and overcome any language barriers, ensuring a smooth and successful transformation of your living space.